Photos: Inside the John Gumm Renovation and Improvement Project | News

There has been substantial progress in the John Gumm Renovation and Improvement Project. In preparation for a fall move Columbia County hosted a media briefing to provide an update.

The event featured speakers included Columbia County Commissioner Casey Garrett, St. Helens Mayor Rick Scholl, Paul Vogel, Executive Director of the Columbia Economic Team, and Brandon Sundeen, Vice President of the Columbia County Museum Association Board of Directors. Each speaker highlighted the importance of revitalizing the John Gumm School Building, a vital part of the downtown St. St. Helens National Historic District.

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Finnish Architecture News, Buildings in Finland

Finnish architecture news 2024, Finland building projects architects, Modern construction design, Property images

Contemporary Finland Building Developments – New Built Environment Updates

post updated 19 March 2024

Finnish Architecture Design – chronological list

Finnish Building News

Finnish Architectural News, chronological:

Museum Architectural Competition, Turku, southwest Finland
Museum Architectural Competition Turku

29 May 2023
Huvila K
Design: Saukkonen + Partners
Huvila K Finland northeast Europe
photo © Timo Pyykönen
Huvila K Finland island retreat
The ideal leisure destination is located on a remote island, surrounded by water. The Huvila K retreat, which serves as an escape for the residents, is a linear entity that

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Chesil Cliff House for sale: The fall and fall of Grand Designs’ saddest home – and the marriage it helped end

When Edward and Hazel Short put their life savings into building their fantasy home on the coast, they hope it will change their lives for the better and give their two children a fabulous childhood.

Instead, more than 12 years later, the luxury house has been relisted for sale once again at knockdown price, the couple’s marriage is over and millionaire Mr Short is still paying off some of the money he borrowed for the ambitious building project.

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New Alabama State House design documents show expanded footprint, amenities

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Legislative Council heard new details Wednesday about the new Alabama State House, including schematics that show the building will have an expanded footprint, more square footage in both the House and Senate chambers and several new amenities.

“It’s going to be a timeless building, it’s going to be here for 150 years and we’re going to be proud of it,” said Bill Wallace, lead architect on the project, told the panel of lawmakers. “It’s going to fit seamlessly with the capitol complex.”

Bill Wallace with the Montgomery-based engineering firm Goodwyn Mills Cawood speaks during a
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