What Goes On Behind the Cameras at Home Makeover Shows?

Some plaintiffs, like Deena Murphy and Tim Sullivan, who appeared on HGTV’s “Love It or List It” in 2016, sued for breach of contract, saying that faulty workmanship had, according to their complaint, “irreparably damaged” their North Carolina home after they spent $140,000 of their own money. According to court documents, they settled, but not before being slapped with a lawsuit themselves, for libel, slander and product disparagement. The case, which went to the North Carolina Court of Appeals, was eventually dismissed. The settlement terms are confidential, and Mr. Sullivan declined a request to be interviewed.

Billi Dunning and Brent

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Home Renovation Planning: Where to Start

Whether you’re updating a basement, a bathroom, or your entire house, the home renovation process involves a pretty big bell curve. At the beginning, you’re bursting with excitement and inspiration about the transformation—and by the time the renovation is complete, you’re equally as thrilled about with the results. You can enjoy your home more knowing that you’ve added to its value.

That said, the middle part—which involves the demo and construction phase—inevitably comes with some challenges. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider this section of the job at the very beginning. Doing your research, asking the right questions, and

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Magnolia Network pulls show after homeowners expose renovation nightmares – Deseret News

When Aubry Bennion’s kitchen renovation process began in October 2019, she had high hopes. It was the last big project in her Bountiful home, which she purchased a year earlier.

Bennion was told the renovation, which would be captured on film for a television show, would last a few weeks and cost around $20,000.

However, she said those hopes soon gave way to stress, anxiety and higher costs.

Bennion is one of a handful of Utah residents speaking out on social media and sharing how Candis and Andy Meredith, a Utah couple behind

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