Potts Point house ‘with the best renovation I’ve ever seen’ hits the market with $12m price guide

Stephen Nicholls

News Corp Australia Network

The Gaudi-esque staircase at 14 St Neot Avenue, Potts Point, which is built over four levels.

Anyone who’s been to Barcelona and admired the work of Antoni Gaudi will appreciate the staircase in this award-winning Potts Point house, for sale with a $12m price guide.

Richardson and Wrench Elizabeth Bay/Potts Point’s Jason Boon, who has the listing with Geoff Cox, describes it as a “masterpiece – the best renovation I’ve ever seen in Potts Point”.


Personal training boss behind $22m+ sale

“The staircase defines the house,” says owner Mark Tough of the Gaudi-esque work of

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Magnolia Network pulls show after homeowners expose renovation nightmares – Deseret News

When Aubry Bennion’s kitchen renovation process began in October 2019, she had high hopes. It was the last big project in her Bountiful home, which she purchased a year earlier.

Bennion was told the renovation, which would be captured on film for a television show, would last a few weeks and cost around $20,000.

However, she said those hopes soon gave way to stress, anxiety and higher costs.

Bennion is one of a handful of Utah residents speaking out on social media and sharing how Candis and Andy Meredith, a Utah couple behind

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