News Flash • City of Port Angeles Offers Free Permit-Ready P

House Design

The City of Port Angeles is pleased to announce the launch of its Permit-Ready Plans program. Through this program, pre-designed building and engineering plan sets are available to the community completely free of charge.

Port Angeles’ Permit-Ready Plans include designs for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Small Lot Homes, and Townhomes, both single story and two-story, ranging in size from 480 to 2543 square feet.

“All of the plan sets were developed by professionals specifically for Port Angeles Municipal Code design standards and zoning requirements,” says City Manager Nathan A. West. “Multiple housing types and configurations have been included to provide flexibility to local builders developing the various and unique sites in our city.”

Funded by a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce, Permit-Ready Plans have been designed to help the community save time and money during the design, planning and permitting processes. Key benefits include:

  • Significant Cost Savings: Plans are typically 5-20% of total construction costs. Permit-Ready Plans are available at no charge for projects located within City limits. Eligible housing types will also see waived building permit fees.
  • Reduced Wait Times: Already developed by professionals, Permit-Ready Plans eliminate the time needed for architects and engineers to meticulously prepare brand new plans.
  • Simplified Permit Review: Permit-Ready Plans have undergone careful examination to ensure compliance with Port Angeles’ building codes and regulations, allowing for a more streamlined permit application review.

Members of the community will be able to browse through the designs on the City’s website. City staff are available for support, should assistance be needed during the selection and application process. Full plan sets will be provided to the applicant free of charge.

“The Permit-Ready Plans program aligns with our commitment to creating affordable housing opportunities. “We are proud to offer a new tool to streamline processes and reduce barriers to infill housing development in the Port Angeles community,” says West.

This program is one of several City-led efforts to address and encourage affordable housing development. Other programs and tools available to the community include:

Details and applications for each of these programs are available on the City’s new housing webpage. To learn more and apply, please visit

480 Square Feet - 1 Story Studios, 480 Square Feet

800 Square Feet - 2 StoriesTwo Bedroom, Two-Story, 800 Square Feet

Townhouses - 2 StoriesTownhouse Unit, 2543 Total Square Feet